Monday, 11 June 2012

Challenge 26

Hello! Jenny here and it's time for a brand new sketch! Here's what we have for you to play with this fortnight..

Remember that you can flip the sketch, rotate the sketch, resize it and make any type of project you like with it - as long as we can see the original sketch in your creation we'll be happy!

This challenge is just for fun but wait until you see what we have lined up for our First Birthday Celebrations later on this month!  You won't want to miss out!

First up this week is our Guest Designer for June, Lisa Jane! Make sure you click on the name above her picture and pop on over and say 'hello' on her blog!


Just click on the names above the pictures to be transported to our individual blogs where you can find out more about how we made our projects.

Join us next Monday for our regular midway-point post where we'll have more makes to share with you.  In the mean time we hope you have fun with the sketch and look forward to seeing what you create!
  • Please enter via the blue frog link below.
  • There is no limit to the number of challenges you can combine.
  • You can use any products.
  • Please link back to Fetch A Sketch in your blog post.
  • Please keep to the basic elements of the sketch.
  • Closing date is Sunday 24th June at 12 Noon GMT.
Have fun and good luck!


  1. Thanks for having me as GD .. loved the sketch this week
    Fab DT creations
    Lisa x

  2. Another great sketch ladies and fab inspiration.Hugs Debbie x


Please leave us a comment - we love to hear what you think!